While sharing IWC’s work experience amid the Covid-19 induced lockdown with Hello Womeniya News reporter Ashmita Chhabria, Dr. Sonali Jethliya, President, IWC, Jalna Central says that Inner Wheel Club is a Non-Profitable Organization working for the society. They have undertaken lot of charitable projects. She asserted that “We started a charity project at the emergence of COVID-19 .i.e. in March 2020, and undertook the distribution masks to police force and 20 1 sanitizers to Chandanzira Police Stations in Jalna in the month of July”.
IWC is always in the forefront to help women, senior citizens and care for environment. They had carried out a tree plantation drive too. They are conducting tree plantation drive and have started the forestation process named Miyawaki Forest at Dankuwar College totally admeasuring 1000 sq. ft. area which they have transformed into forest and have planted trees. They have also planted 300 trees at a cow shed at Jalna. She quotes, “ ‘Miyawaki’ is a technique pioneered by Japanese Botanist Akira Miyawaki. The project will be applied on 1000 square feet land on which around 300 plants will be planted. As per Akira this is the way to pay back Mother Nature what we owe, little by little.” They have distributed 70 umbrellas to all women vendors all over Jalna. Those were the big giant umbrellas and not the usual ones. These umbrellas help them in two ways- protecting from rains/sun & helps in maintaining social distancing. It is an asset for the vendors which they can use through-out the year.
When quizzed about the future plans of the club she quotes, “our area of interest is women we support women empowerment, from empowerment we do not mean only economic gains; we want women to be empowered in all aspects- Physical, Economical, as well as Mental. Mental state of a person matters. So we will be working on economic growth of women as well as on physical well-being. Hence, accordingly we have plans for a medical camp for their health check-ups and at the same time will be motivating them to have a positive out- look towards life, and will be guiding them on stress management.”
They have already undertaken and done some projects, firstly they have organized a workshop on net banking for women. They taught them how to make online payments in this corona phase and made them net banking savvy by teaching them and showing them the benefits. Almost 200 women attended that workshop. They have also started a skill industry, wherein they manufacture ‘GODHADI’ (Bedding made out of cloth filled with stuffing and stitched together). They have appointed 16 women for working in their industry. They make use of old clothes for making godhadies. Godhadi is a quilt. It is an Indian Craft, so by making they promote Indian Crafts as well as recycle the old cloth.
She also spoke about her new and recent project, “We inculcate reading books habit in new generation which is lost these days because people tend to spend time on social media and mobile games; basically screen time has increased. They can read online but the excessive use of social media is the main problem.
She went on to add that regarding this we had a Talk Session with Mr. Amrut Deshmukh in which people from Jalna, Latur, and many other places joined us. The session had almost 800 people and he promoted reading and explained the importance of reading. Interestingly, now all of them have started reading.” So this is how Dr. Sonali shares her team’s experience of charity done during this lockdown period and ends her words with a beautiful thoughtful message by saying, “Not all of us can do great things but we can do small things with great love.”
News Input by: Ashmita Chhabria.
Proofread by: Anisha Nandan.

Distribution of 100mask to policeman and Sanitizer in police station.

Blood donation camp _ 15 person donated blood. Scarcity of blood bags during corona pandemic.

Miyawaki Forestation Bhumi Pujam Dankuwar college

Pic of virtual webinar.

Umbrella distributed for venders to have a protective covering in all season as well as helping in maintaining the social distance.

Virtual Marathon _ participants_224 1 from Dubai 2 from Singapore 1 from Netherland

Workshop for women to educate them abt net banking.