Inner Wheel Club

Shivani Nandani President Inner Wheel Club of Biharsharif stepped in for creating awareness and support amid a pandemic

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Hello Womeniya Inner Wheel Desk :

Women Social  entrepreneurs and business are leaving their mark on the world. By creating successful companies, they are contributing to the betterment of the economy. Female entrepreneurship is vital for our future. Collectively we can make a change by closing the gap between men and women in the workforce.
India  has produced a number of women entrepreneurs in Social field in the recent decades. They have ventured into various domains and widened their arena into many healthcare,  branding, Social services,  etc.

Hello Womeniya. Com  always has a very special corner for the women, and the news portals  is working towards the women-empowerment right from the inception. Hello Womeniya’s main objective is to promote women entrepreneurs and create their digital identity on  online platform.  The woman plays a very important role in our society, she is a housewife, a mother, a friend, a colleague for a long time, and now she also plays the role of businesswoman, entrepreneur and politician. Women have started spreading their wings and there is nothing that can stop them now.

In our Inner wheel Social entrepreneur series in this episode we are introducing you to a very dynamic and popular social entrepreneur of IWC who firmly believes in Social service and charity work yes we are talking about Shivani Nandani President of Inner Wheel Club of Bihar Sharif Dist-325 stepped in with precautions to support Covid affected in this lockdown.

About IWC District 325 :

IW District 325 was formed on 19th June 1985 with four clubs Darbhanga, Biharsharif, Hazaribagh, and Gaya. It was formed due to the efforts of the first District Governor of RI District 325, Late PDG Dhanesh Prasad. The first club of their District was the Inner Wheel Club of Darbhanga, followed by Biharsharif and Hazaribagh. Now the quantities have expanded and include patliputra, Patna, phulwarisharif, Satya danapur, saumya, Jamshedpur, Muzaffarpur, and others.

Mumbai: Inner Wheel Club of Bihar Sharif likewise the other Inner Wheel Clubs are giving their best to procure support to society amid a pandemic

Charity project details during pandemic

1.Distributed IR Thermometer and Mask in Mahila Thana.

2. Allocated PPE Kits to Lady Doctors (Corona warriors)

3. Installation of Hands-free sanitizer machine in sai temple.

4.Covid Vaccination drive-by IWC.

5.Launched Oxygen Bank with Rotary For Covid Patients.
Oxygen Concentrated and cylinders were made available.

6.Created Awareness for vaccination and distributed masks at marketplaces.

Brief Introduction of Inner Wheel  :

International Inner Wheel is an international women’s organisation to create friendship, service, and understanding. It has clubs in over 100 countries with over 100,000 members. It is a nonprofit organization and known for its charity works. Inner wheel club has a very strong presence in India. More than 3,000 clubs are active in urban as well rural areas of India.

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