Inner Wheel Club

Meet Rashmi Jain President Inner Wheel Club of Delhi Ambience District 301 she shares her Service Project

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Women Social entrepreneurship is vital for our future. Collectively we can make a change by closing the gap between men and women in the workforce. Entrepreneurs are those adventurous, daredevils who drive deep into the pressing problems of society and try to find solutions to them, not by leaving the responsibilities in the reins of the government or business, but by trying to change systems as a whole and persuading societies to take new initiatives.

In our Social Entrepreneur series today we are introducing you a very dynamic and popular Social Entrepreneur of Delhi for her remarkable and outstanding performance in social  field particular in Inner Wheel Club  who always believes in Women Empowerment and social entrepreneurship. Yes, we are talking about Mrs. Rashmi Jain, President Inner Wheel Club of Delhi Ambience, District 301, she shared her Service and Charity Project with Hello Womeniya Correspondent Priyanka Yadav.

Key Highlights of Service Project:

Project 1:

Date: 23rd July 2021

“The world always looks brighter from behind a smile.”

IWC Delhi Ambience celebrates happiness in all the projects they do. We went to a school in tents where the children of construction labourers come to learn. Along with our DC Anita Jain, we interacted with the children, played games and quiz & sang songs with them. We got together & had loads of fun. Then we distributed Inner wheel branded school bags to the children. The bags were full of stationery, fruits, healthy snacks, chocolates & candies. But what brought a bigger smile to their faces was ice-creams of their choice from a vendor we had arranged to stand outside the school.

Project 2:

Date: 19th August 2021

Shalini – Shalini is a mentally & physically disabled girl who was molested. The culprit was caught, and her parents spent their life’s savings on getting the accused punished. Shalini’s medicines were quite expensive. Her mother, a strong lady, learnt to make herbal face masks & oils from Lajpat Bhawan, Delhi. Last year we helped her brand her product by designing and printing a logo, and provided stickers, brochures and packaging materials to make the products look appealing. All the members of our club bought her products for themselves and their families.

Project 3:

Date: 20th August 2021

” Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live in.”

IWC Delhi Ambience organised a free health camp in collaboration with Metro Hospital at Village Jaunpur for Pregnant & Lactating women. It was much needed there as the ladies belonging to the labour class hardly went to doctors when they get pregnant. A complete check-up and advice were given to them with vitamin tablets as needed. Hospital also offered a big discount to the ladies who needed further care & investigation.
Later in the month of December, we again held a free health camp in Gurugram at Agrim appt. in collaboration with Medalsa Hospital.

Project 4:

Date: 27th August 2021


IWC Delhi Ambience visited a non-formal school in Faridabad where the students were majorly Ragpickers. We taught them with a demonstration on how to make eco-bricks with waste plastic bags & bottles collected by them. They loved the concept and learnt it very fast as the things required to make eco-bricks were something they were dealing with daily. Later after two months when they had made enough eco-bricks they called us again. Our member Architect then showed them how to use these eco-bricks to make panels in a very simple way, which would then be used to construct their school. Indeed, Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Project 5:

Date: 18th September 2021

“My favourite part of the game is to get the opportunity to play.”

Inner wheel District 301 organised a sports meet at the famous Thyagraj stadium in Delhi. IWC Delhi Ambience didn’t miss this golden chance & made a team of 41 children of construction labourers and sponsored them. We arranged a professional choreographer to teach them group drill with different formations which was later much applauded at their performance. Children also took part in different races and won them. They had never dreamt of such a big playing ground and more above never even thought of visiting & performing at Thyagraj stadium. IWC Delhi Ambience sponsored their full uniform i.e., Inner wheel branded t-shirts, track pants, socks & shoes. We also provided to & fro transport for them with healthy snacks on both sides of the journey.

Project 6:

Date: 23rd November

“With confidence in oneself, you can build a better world.”

Nanhi Pari was a mega project of IWC District 301, where more than 4000 branded new party dresses were given Free for distribution to underprivileged girls. We are proud to say that IWC Delhi Ambience was the sole provider of these beautiful party dresses Free to the district for distribution. These dresses were later distributed in various adopted villages of District 301 and other clubs of the district also distributed them to different NGOs. The confidence & smiles that these dresses brought on the girl’s faces was priceless, which was much visible when they did ramp walks in them.

Project 7:

Date: 1st December 2021

“Addiction offers relief for a while, but it’s a trap.”

Members of IWC Delhi Ambience went into the core of the urban village, Rangpuri Pahari for a drug awareness drive. The resident ladies there told us how their life was becoming hell because of the drug mafia and how even the young boys instead of going to school have started on liquor and drugs. Coming out of the house, even for work had become so difficult and even more for young girls. We listened to them and worked together to figure out how this menace can be dealt with. An ongoing project for sure.

Project 8:

Date: 2nd December 2021

“It’s so great to find that special one with whom you want to spend the rest of your life.”

IWC Delhi Ambience gave blessings to a parentless girl getting married. She used to work as a beautician from house to house but was not able to make ends meet. Like a bunch of loving mothers, we celebrated her pre-wedding function. With much love & blessings, we gifted her household & kitchen items, clothes etc. to help her set up her house after marriage.

Project 9:

Date: 21st December 2021

“Best way to celebrate Christmas is by giving the light of love to those who need it most.”

IWC Delhi Ambience celebrated Christmas in it’s true spirit with the specially abled children of HCRA. Members were dressed as Santa and they danced, played games, and sang carols with the children. Cutting a yummy chocolate cake was a big attraction for the kids. They were also served snacks. Santa distributed sweaters, woollen socks, caps pencil boxes with stationary inside to each kid. We also donated tube lights and paper rims at their centre. Then we went to Rangpuri Pahadi to spread Christmas cheers among the children of the village.

Project 10:

Date: 7th January 2022

“Makar Sankranti is a new beginning.”

On auspicious Makar Sankranti, members of IWC Delhi Ambience, District 301 did numerous and meaningful projects. First the members went on the road with blankets and covered the needy in the cold weather. Then at various places members kept dog beds for the man’s best friends and fed them to delicious home-food. We also distributed 120 pairs of shoes to the school going children of construction labourers.

Brief Introduction of International Inner Wheel:

International Inner Wheel  is an international women’s  Social organisation to create friendship, service and understanding. It has clubs in over 100 countries with over 100,000 members. IWC has very strong presence in India. It has more than 3000 thousands clubs in Urban and rural India. Since the Covid-19 Pandemic breaks out Inner wheel club launched charity campaign worldwide. In our Inner wheel Social entrepreneur series in this Episode we are introducing very popular face of IWC, she doesn’t need any kind of Introduction.

About District 301:

District Chairman (for 2021-2022):

Anita Jain

This District is very important in Northern part of India. It covers many Clubs like Delhi Main, Delhi Ambience, Delhi Airport and NCR.

News Compiled by Priyanka Yadav

About the author


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