Hello Womeniya Inner Wheel News Desk North India
Mumbai: At the inner wheel the ladies put up special time from their daily routine
to give service to the needy, again with enjoyment. Inner Wheel clubs, districts, and countries take part in a wide range of work for charities and causes across the world to give people Happier Futures and Better Lives. The same goes for Inner Wheel Club Meerut Samrat Dist-310, which stepped in to provide support in this pandemic situation
Chairman- Mrs. Santos Sharma
Dist Secretary – Mrs. Preeti Saxena
Club President – Vandana Agarwal
Club Secretary – Mrs. Charu Singhal
The project details are as follows:-
1.Health and Hygiene -:
In which Club members uploaded pics to honor doctors, Appreciation certificates awarded to doctors by social media, 5 Sanitizing stands with sanitizers installed at Dr. Shikha’s clinic, temple, and different places. Spoken for the cure of Covid-19 to Dr.Shikha, 250 masks are distributed, and a fitness session is done on the zoom app. Video advising to cut off masks and gloves before disposal. Discussed to cure Osteoarthritis on the zoom app and sanitary pads, face masks, gloves, sanitizers are distributed to women and girls on Delhi roads. The overall expenditure of the project was Rs 16,500.
2. Old and Handicapped:-
Provided lunch at Leprosy Ashram at Leprosy home Jagriti Vihar. One-month ration, stationery, sanitizer, and plant at Anandpuri. Daily needs and Ration etc given to Shastri Nagar, Anandpuri, Jagriti Vihar, Punjabipura. A quilt was donated for Paswara Village. Steamers are given in several places also 21 Woolen bed sheets in C.A.B Inter College, Brij Mohan Blind School. The total cost was Rs – 30,750.
3. Education/ Vocational Training-:
Fees are given for 24 students of Saraswati Shishu Mandir D- Block, Shreeram S. Shishu Mandir, B.D.S School, Kanohar Lal inter College. Teachers’ days celebrated and honored teachers of Shri Ram Saraswati Shishu Mandir. Sewing training is being taught at Silai Kendra Shri Ram Saraswati Shishu Mandir. Ceiling fans donated in C.A.B School, competitive books were donated, Saraswati Shishu Mandir D-Block, committed expenditure of Rs 281,500.
4. Caring for Women and Girls:-
Donated for girls marriage( Punjabi Pura), Sewing machine and an iron ( Neha Enterprises Vaishali Colony), one month ration and cash for the widow( Saraswati Shishu Mandir D- Block), 10 kits for goods and mixer donated for marriage( Anandpuri), daily needs donated to a mother ( Anandpuri), cash and woolen clothes and blanket allotted. The entire cost of this project is Rs 112,000.
5. Environment Protection:-
Overall, including the planting of trees at Mohkampur, the online competition was organized in Manohar Devi Shishu Vatika, gifted plants and the land acquired at School for the mini forest( C.A.B.Inter College), installed the tree guards( Kamla Devi Saraswati Shishu Mandir), masks, cloth bags distributed at Kuti Chopla. Video uploaded on Facebook to cut off the masks and gloves before disposing of them. Solar panels installed and all together service of Rs 7,51000.
6. Vocational training:-
Lecture to promote elder education ( Manohari Devi Shishu Vatika D-Block), 10 Girls are being trained in sewing skills in Silai Kendra Shri Ram Saraswati Shishu Mandir. A girl is being trained in Computer skills. And a cumulative expense of Rs 32,000
7. Patriotism:-
Kept meeting Ek Sham Desh ke Naam on social media, the president participated in the Independence Day celebration(Shriram Saraswati Shishu Mandir) and the General Meeting was organized on Zoom.
8. Art and Culture:-
Teej festival celebrated in their houses, on Ram Bhoomi pujan decorated their own houses. A joint meeting was organized for cultural exchange with a link club Talegao Dabade on Zoom, they celebrated teachers’ day and Hindi divas on zoom.
9. Publicized Innerwheel:-
Photos, banners posted on Facebook, Installed on the gate of ISO, and Presidents’ houses photos are uploaded on the Senior citizen day( Facebook).
10. Covid-19:-
One month ration is given ( Anandpuri Vaishali Colony Shastri Nagar), Masks are distributed ( Dr. Shikha Clinic, Delhi Road, Kuti Chaupla), Donation in PM Care Fund. Overall did work of Rs 18,900.
11. Mini Forest:-
The mini forest is integrated by Dist Chairman Santosh Sharma, at CAV Inter College, Sadar Rs – 4,000.
Brief History of Inner Wheel :
Inner Wheel founded by Mrs. Oliver Golding in 1923 is the World’s Second Largest Non-Governmental Voluntary, Women’s Service Organization consisting of mainly women folks of Rotarian. It’s purpose is to help and serve the needy and underprivileged sections of society. The Inner Wheel is the world’s second largest women’s organization and comprises of the women folk of Rotarians. It is a recognized voluntary Non-Government Organization to help and serve the needy and underprivileged sections of the Society. In recognition of its social service, it has got representation in the United Nations Economic and Social Council. The Inner Wheel concentrates upon Friendship and Personal Service.
Service Project picture Gallery :

Picuture of Service project.
About District 310 :
District Chairman : Mrs Santosh Sharma :
One of the most important District of Inner Wheel in Uttar Pradesh which covers many big cities and districts such as Meerut, Moradabad, Muzzafarnagar, Chandusi, Hasanpur and many more. This District had more than 60 Clubs. M