Inner Wheel Club

Meet Manisha Shrivastava District Chairman of Inner Wheel Dis:326 who share her Inner Wheel Journey with Hello Womeniya

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Women Social entrepreneurship is vital for our future. Collectively we can make a change by closing the gap between men and women in the workforce.
Entrepreneurs are those adventurous, daredevils who drive deep into the pressing problems of society and try to find solutions to them, not by leaving the responsibilities in the reins of the government or business, but by trying to change systems as a whole and persuading societies to take new initiatives

In our Inner Wheel Social Entrepreneur series in this episode We are introducing you a very dynamic and popular face of International Inner Wheel Dist. 326, who always believes in Women Empowerment and social entrepreneurship . yes we are talking about Manisha Shrivastava District Chairman of inner wheel District  326, she shared her Inner Wheel Journey and Lockdown experience with Hello Correspondent Priyanka Yadav

Hello Womeniya : Please share your first reaction and feeling on being District Chairman of IWC.

Manisha Shrivastava : Talking about my first reaction on taking the lead as the 37th District chairman of the Versatile district 326 brought me immense happiness and sense of honour. As you see, All over India there are total 27 Districts , being chosen as the Chairman of District 326 was matter of happiness that words can ‘t express completely .
All eyes on me and everyone waiting to see how I will respond to this challenge of leadership was indeed a great experience . Wearing the collar ,taking the control , and working with all my fellow teammates with their hopes , dreams , and so much to give to Inner Wheel was truly a proud moment and it brought with it further big goals to achieve to inner wheel for which I was ready and really excited .

Hello Womeniya : What will be your priority in the growth of Your District.

Manisha Shrivastava : As Inner Wheel spreads it’ s for service , under my tenure of District Chairman I got the opportunity to take up several dream projects that I wanted to do .My focus is mainly on woman entrepreneurs , to give more and more platforms to women to showcase their talents and with that earn money . Bring employment to them someway or the other through skill development , grooming them .Talking about growth I feel
All the members are active and they all have taken up programmes and projects that has contributed to the membership growth as well as work growth in our district .

Hello Womeniya : What are the current challenges your District is facing due to this post pandemic .

Manisha Shrivastava : Due to this pandemic , we lost some of our highly prestigious Inner Wheel members , their presence will always be missed , their guidance throughout has been a great support for inner wheel till date .
Also, in this covid times we learnt various online skills by organizing meetings in online platforms , and interacting with all dear Inner Wheel members , though physical meetings and face to face communication was quite missed .

Hello Womeniya : What is your future agenda to solve these problems

Manisha Shrivastava : I have a motive in mind to motivate all the members to upskill themselves and try to bring as much as possible projects , webinars , programmes , themes on online platforms for meetings . Till now since the pandemic period we have organized numerous meets through zoom platform , hence I request everyone to keep continuing the process and I believe still we all are connected with the same enthusiasm , liveliness and friendship even if frequent physical gatherings are not possible.

Hello Womeniya : Share your Inner Wheel journey with us .

Manisha Shrivastava : Since the time I joined Inner Wheel in the year 1995 , it feels like a close family to my heart , our District 326 is a vast District spread over the states of Orissa, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh with 80 clubs under its leadership , being from different regions and languages , through Inner Wheel we share a bond of love , trust ,understanding , fellowship , closeness and harmony that has never let us feel different . Our exchange meets and events organized for everyone has brought us all so close. Inner wheel journey is altogether an experience of a lifetime. I suggest one must live it to the fullest

Hello Womeniya : Could you please share your lockdown experience and how your District performed during this difficult time .

Manisha Shrivastava : According to me , the lockdown periods bought families closer ,
Children who were far from their homes due to work or studies got to spent some quality time with their families . we realized our potentials and did all the household chores ourselves, without servants and maids . we realized that even money can sometimes not bring all the pleasures of life ,.
Women and homemakers made growth with different sorts of online business and selling items making time for the activities they always wanted to do , but because of less time or other reasons could not.
Women learnt that even small investments in their passions can help them earn money and have great place of respect in their families .

Hello Womeniya :What is your appeal and message to Inner Wheel women .

Manisha Shrivastava : My message to all inner wheel women is to spread our theme PINK FIRST in every nook and corner of their lives . women have great strength in themselves , all they need is to believe and fly with their wings . Our society today is equal in terms of men and women , but still many women are unable to understand their worth and come forward , and showcase their talents , expertise and caliber .
Hence , I request every woman to empower women around them so that they also feel enlightened , supported , independent and strong .

Hello Womeniya :Do you agree this pandemic brought a lot of changes in our personal and professional life

Manisha Shrivastava : Yes , in both sides pandemic has bought a lot of changes , it bought equality in terms of men and women , elder or younger generation all proved to work with the same spirits , it showed us the importance of teamwork , and togetherness. It also changed our minds perspective towards the mindset of money is supreme power , I know it is but pandemic showed not always .

Hello Womeniya : Can you highlights some important service projects you did during this pandemic.

Manisha Shrivastava : Inner wheel undertook the great task of to change the life of a burnt lady who was a daily wage worker , her face burnt badly in an accident , we provided surgery , and proper treatment to her in a renowned hospital in mumbai , all funded by inner wheel members , we also donated her a tea cart stall , now she is in a much better and happy state of life and earning a livelihood.
As inner wheel we distributed , sewing machines , green gram machines ., a refrigerator , provided job to 6 jobless women in glaze plastic factory , provided skill training to women to set up food, craft , work , bakery , tailoring , catering of food .
We also distributed masks and sanitizers , installed sanitizer machines , vaccination camps , distributed sanitary napkins in the slum areas , , felicitated doctors on doctors day as covid warriors .
We did work towards earth care by , planting trees , installing solar panels , created awareness towards cleaning .

Different clubs sponsored food , renovating toilets in orphanage , installing water purifiers , adopted students gave school fees , educational supplies and sport equipments to orphanages , donated smartphones , tablets to students , constructed library in orphanages , promoted and branded innerwheel through advertisement at prominent places in our district , and inducting new members in our family of inner wheel

Hello Womeniya : Being a Social entrepreneur what is your goal and vision about the upliftment of the society.

Manisha Shrivastava : My vision for the society is that women are the backbone of this planet they have always been , all they need today is that push , spirit and desire to prove themselves in fields where no one can reach . all women should strive to make some sort of employment or means to earn money , even though it is little , but it will always bring you as sense of pride and satisfaction .
There are big milestones , slowly yet steadily we are achieving them for women , and women should uplift and support fellow women to bring the change we all want.

Brief Introduction of International Inner Wheel :

International Inner Wheel  Club is an international women’s  Social organisation to create friendship, service and understanding. It has clubs in over 100 countries with over 100,000 members.IWC has very strong presence in India. It has more than 3000 thousands clubs in Urban and rural India. Since the Covid 19 Pandemic breaks out Inner wheel club launched charity campaign worldwide. In our Inner wheel Social entrepreneur series in this Episode we are introducing very popular face of IWC, she doesn’t need any kind of Introduction.

About Dist. 326 :

District Chairman (For 2021-2022)

Manisha Shrivastav

Dist. 326 is one of the most important district of Inner Wheel. Their are 76 clubs in this district, this district covers 3 states Odisha, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. It covers cities like Cuttaka, Balaghat, Bhilai, Durg, Bhubaneswar, Bilaspur, Jabalpur, Puri, nad Raipur.

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