Hello Womeniya Inner wheel News Desk
Women Social entrepreneurs and business are leaving their mark on the world. By creating successful companies, they are contributing to the betterment of the economy. Female entrepreneurship is vital for our future. Collectively we can make a change by closing the gap between men and women in the workforce.
India has produced a number of women entrepreneurs in Social field in the recent decades. They have ventured into various domains and widened their arena into many healthcare, branding, Social services, etc. Maharashtra notably has the highest number of women entrepreneurs in India.
Hello Womeniya. Com always has a very special corner for the women, and the news portals is working towards the women-empowerment right from the inception. Hello Womeniya’s main objective is to promote women entrepreneurs and create their digital identity on online platform. The woman plays a very important role in our society, she is a housewife, a mother, a friend, a colleague for a long time, and now she also plays the role of businesswoman, entrepreneur and politician. Women have started spreading their wings and there is nothing that can stop them now.
In our Inner wheel Social entrepreneur series in this episode we are introducing you a very dynamic and and popular social Entrepreneur of Inner wheel who firmly believes in Social service and charity work yes we are talking about Annapurna Ray who is current president of IWC Bhubneswar Radiant She shared her Entrpreuner and Inner wheel Journey with Hello Womwniya Correspondent Ruchika Sawant.

IWC Bhubaneswar Radiant. Dist:326.
President Annapurna Ray.
Brief Introduction of Annapurna Ray :
I started my journey with our first project plantation by planting some medicinal saplings in our garden. 2- Distributed sanitizer and masks to slum dwellers in our locality.3-Donated umbrellas nd more than 20 people are benefited. 4-Distributed school bags and copies to children of slum. 5-Also donated solar lights to the slum dwellers, 6- Donated dustbin to our local temple, 7-Dis tribute d nutrition food packets to children of the slum on the occasion of International nutrition day. 8-Distributed winter blankets to the needy, more than 30 people are benifited.9-Mark of awareness for the sineor citizens we display hording on the public place with Inner wheel logo for publication of d organization.
Charity project details during pandemic and Lockdown :
Our few important projects :

School bag Distribution Picture.

Picture of Service project during pandemic.
Tree plantation, donation of umbrellas, masks, sanitizer, school bags,nutrition food packets, dustbin, solar lights, blankets, and lastly hording on awareness for Senior citizens at public Place.
Brief introduction of Inner Wheel :
Inner Wheel, founded by British women Mrs. Oliver Golding in 1924, is the world’s largest voluntary women service organization created primarily for women.
International Inner Wheel is one of the largest women’s service voluntary organisations in the world and is active in more than 104 countries.
International Inner Wheel has three key objectives:
01. To Promote True Friendship
02. To Encourage the Ideals of Personal Service
03. To Foster International Understanding
Any woman who shares the three central aims of International Inner Wheel can join the organisation
About IWC District 326:
IWC 326 one of the most important District of Inner wheel having 72 clubs it has a very strong presence in big cities and districts of Odisa and Chhattisgarh, such as Cuttak, Bhubneswar, Bilaspur, Raipur, Durg, Jabalpur, Katni, Balasore ,Puri, Bastar, Jajpur.
Brief History of Inner wheel District 326 :
It is very important to know that how the Inner Wheel 326 took the final shape. Inner Wheel Club of Raipur was organized in 1972. Its Charter President was Mrs. Kanmal Vale Rao. These days the Raipur Club was associated with District-325 (Andhra Pradesh). Mrs. Anita Sen of Inner Wheel Club of Raipur became the District Chairman in the year 1974-75. Till then there were no other clubs in Orissa and undivided Madhya Pradesh. In 1982 Inner Wheel Club of Madhya Pradesh came into existence. In 1984 Inner Wheel Club of Berhampur, Jeypore & Bhubaneswar in Orissa and Seoni in Madhya Pradesh joined the InnerWheel movements.