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Dr. Mariam Hingora President With her Vice-President Naseema Surty of Maseeha Trust visits Wadala Slums as part of Charity Drive; Hello Mumbai News Correspondent Janvi S.Panjwani reports.

As part of Charity Drive, Dr.Mariam Hingora, President,with her vice president Naseema Surty of Maseeha Trust visited the Wadala Slums on 14th March and distributed groceries and biscuits to the poor and needy persons who were very happy to receive the commodities

Speaking to Janvi Panjwani Dr. Mariam Hingora said that “Part of a human being is about helping others in need”.
“Service to others is like the rent that you pay for your room”.
“If there be any true measure of a man than by what he does, it must be by what he gives.”

Dr. Mariam felt elated in being of help towards the poor and needy children.
The main motto of Maseeha Trust is to help the poor and needy people.

News Input by : Janvi S.Panjwani

News Edit by K V.Raman

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